Original prints finally for sale!!!!

I have just published the new gallery to sell original photographic prints from my forthcoming book Swedish Fetish.
Many people had been asking to buy prints from the book already since my exhibition at Marie Laveau in January, but I had decided to wait until the actual publication of the book was a bit more imminent, which it is now.
To see the gallery, and hopefully buy a print or two, you should go to http://belluso.com/fetish/prints/index.htm
There you can also find some original prints in a limited signed edition.
The quality of the prints is really high, these are not inkjet cheap prints but the real mc. coy.
Here is just a little taste of some of the various images and styles you can find there.
Well I am now wanted in the studio since they are ready with the make up on yet another fetish girl waiting to be photographed for the next edition of the book.
Have a nice evening!

Postat av: Tyra

Snygga bilder, satt och funderade på vad det är för jobb som du gjorde, med tanke på bilderna.!!! Lämnade en kommentar i ditt förförra inlägg om jag ev skulle gå tillbaka till Up. Vore skitkul ju! Kram

2007-10-17 @ 11:49:34
URL: http://www.tyras.blogg.se
Postat av: jassy

Shyssta bilder.

2007-10-26 @ 22:40:32
URL: http://www.jasminas.fashionblogg.se

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