
Well, the wonderf of the Internet!!! A few days ago I received a mail from a dear old friend, Diva, the lead singer of a band I used to play with in London. I had been looking for him for ages but never found a single trace. The band was called Risqué (Flex in the beginning). Amazing surprise also because Diva sent me some pictures that I had lost, pictures of us on stage newspaper articles about us, backstage passes, etc. We started to remind each-other of different episodes of our youth, like a tour with the Eurythnmics, gigs at the Rock Garden, a mythical gig at the Hyppodrome where I left my drum kit, never to be collected again. I had officially put the music business behind me at that point. I can't quite remember if I started playing with Pleasure and the Beast and with Naked Lunch after that or if that period was prior to Risqué, which is a terrible sign of senility from my part.
Soon Diva will come to visit me in Stockholm, hopefully for the release party for my book, and then he will bring me the DVD of that famous gig at the Hyppodrome. I can't wait to see it, but more than that, I can't wait to see Diva again.
Here are some of the pictures from those glorious days Diva is the singer and you can see me hidden behind the drums...)
Thank you Diva!

Diva singing in front of the drums I left at the Hyppodrome. A prototype kit from Pearl.

Always hidden behind the drums and Diva in front...

about Risqué...

Happy Birthday

It's been a while since I've been blogging, sometimes because of lack of time, some other times because of lack of energy. But many have been the times I have been wanting to write for some reason or another. The summer has gone by and it has been an unusual one. It began with an operation that hopefully has put an end to my discal hernia. This put me out of action for over two months. Two long months of morphine, inactivity, pain and often being delirious. Then came a trip to Miami for Salming where I shot a fun campaign with Kim Halling and Louis Dubois as models. My old friend and agent Alain Teale did an unforgettable production. In the meantime I also published my first book, Swedish Fetish. The response is very good. Moderna Museet is now selling the book, among several other bookstores in Sweden, which feels great. What I really need now is an international distributor. The business in general is taking a plunge all over the world, which feels scary. We'll see what this autumn that's just begun has to offer. Apart from promoting the book at book fairs and fetish festivals I am planning some campaigns for some Swedish clients. It feels like ages ago since my last production. I've spent the summer flying gliders, my new passion. I am very close to my licence, only a couple of flying days left. I have almost flown 60 hours. I hope that my birthday presents to myself will be my flying licence and a couple of new, big clients. Happy birthday to me on the 28th!

Leave of absence...

I have been away from the blog for a few days...quite a few things have been happening and I have not had the time to come in and write.
Two fun reunions have taken place since I was in here last.
The first one was at Café Opera in Stockholm, when Boy George was DJ'ing. I managed to meet George atfer 25 years of not having met each other. I used to work with him in London, in a club called Planets, when he was DJ and I was working in the cloakroom. It was a great and fun period of my life. The fun thing about our reunion is that even after so many years he remembered me and his first words where "what the F**K are you doing here?" with his usual smile. He is as great a DJ as he's always been, even if when you ask him he would say that in the beginning he was not a good DJ but just someone with good taste in music...I disagree, he is both a good DJ and he has great taste in music!
The second "reunion" was with Robert Pereno, the lead singer of a band I used to play with in London around 25 years ago. I payed drums for Pleasure and the Beast and we where on tour in the UK atfer the release of the album "Doctor Sex", that got banned by the BBC but got to Nr. 2 in the charts in the US.
Robert is getting married soon and I wish him all the best. I can't wait to meet him again soon.
This week I am showing my work for my forthcoming book "Swedish Fetish" at a fair here in Stockholm. I am also in the middle of preparing a whole bunch of productions that must be ready before Christmas, which is very soon...
Today I will remove all of my photographs from my Facebook group, sadly enough. I felt it was a good way to keep people updated of the more interesting shoots I do, but after finding out that Facebook actually owns all the rights to everything on Facebook, I feel deeply cheated and really cannot afford giving the rights to my work to people I have never met and for no reason whatsoever.
For those interested in ym work I will keep updating my own sites www.belluso.com and www.belluso.com/fetish

Talk again soon...

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