Three weeks after the beginning of my new healthier life I have lost three

Three weeks after the beginning of my new healthier life I have lost three kilos. But the point is not the loss of weight that became a significant health factor for me, since all the weight was very, or rather still is, very evenly distributed around my waist, and as such is causing me serious back problems with my hernia. Now I sound like an old fogey, I know, but at my tender age, the combination of a bad diet and lack of excercise is not a good one. I now train three times a week and I eat healthy food. I still eat a lot, but the food I eat actually helps me burn unnecessary fats. One more thing is that I have discovered water. Crazy as it may seem, I never used to drink water, in fact I never used to drink, period. The times I ingested liquids where rare and often in those rare social occasions with friends. Of course this transition period is tough. The body takes some time to adjust. But the fact that, in spite of being carnivorous and actually liking meat, I chose to only eat meat in rare occasions is also making me feel better. I first decided not to eat meat because of principles. For many years I lived with the contradiction of loving animals but still eating them. You hear how terrible it sounds. Then a few weeks ago I saw a picture of a cow at a slaughter and I made up my mind. A single picture changed my life. I said this to my personal trainer when we went through my new diet, thinking he would tell me that I would need meat. But the opposite happened. He told me that meat, as well as being very hard to digest, also contains fats that are extremely difficult to break down. Fish instead contains omega 3 that actually helps break down bad fats. Vegetable fats are the easiest to break down. I have not become a vegetarian, but I limit my meat intakes to three or four times a month. Once a week I go on a binge, to compensate my sugar and other needs. All of this sounds rather boring, but it is the awareness of needed changes in my lifestle that is important. The fact that I want to have a healthier body. I want the next half of my life to be better than the previous one. Eating cakes and meat and all of those things that are now only rare treats, was good for my soul and not too bad for my body while young. Now it's different. I want to underline the fact that I am not starving. I am probably eating more than before and certainly more often. I am just eating healthier. Starving would have the opposite effect as well as being dangerous. Now I'll have a nap:)


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